About Us
The Rappahannock Area Office on Youth has been serving the Greater Fredericksburg Region since 1989. Our main service categories are Mandated Services, Prevention Programs, and Residential Services. Our mandated programs provide services geared towards meeting court ordered requirements. Our prevention programs are proactive programs designed to support youth in a positive and encouraging manner, and to reduce the possibility of future court involvement. OOY allows parents to directly refer their children to our programs to address behavioral issues and concerns. Our residential services location, known as Chaplin Youth Center, is a 12 bed, community-based, residential facility serving male and female youth ages 12-17.
Our Mission
The mission of the Rappahannock Area Office on Youth is to provide programs that promote healthy and responsible behavior in youth and young adults, encourage positive development, and to support families.
Rappahannock Area Youth Services and Group Home Commission
The activities of the Rappahannock Area Office on Youth are led by the Executive Director who receives oversight from the Rappahannock Area Youth Services and Group Home Commission. Our Commission is comprised of members appointed by each locality of our main service areas. Members are appointed by the respective Board of Supervisors of each locality. One member must be an elected official of the Board, the second is the County Administrator or his/her designee. The Commission appoints three additional members of the community who have a professional tie to the Office’s work to serve as Advisory Council Members. The chair of the Advisory Council serves as the seventh voting member of the Commission.
Commission Members
City of Fredericksburg
City Council Representative
Dr. Timothy Duffy, Councilman
Commission Chair
Email: tduffy@fredericksburgva.gov
City Manager's Representative
Mr. Mark Whitley, Asst. City Manager
Stafford County
Board of Supervisor’s Representative
Dr. Pamela Yeung, Supervisor
Email: pyeung@staffordcountyva.gov
County Administrator’s Representative
Ms. Donna Krauss, Deputy County Administrator
Email: dkrauss@staffordcountyva.gov
Spotsylvania County
Board of Supervisor’s Representative
Dr. Deborah Frazier, Supervisor
Commission Vice Chair
Email: dhfrazier@spotsylvania.va.us
County Administrator’s Representative
Ms. Amy Swift, Director of Social Services
Email: amy.swift@dss.virginia.gov
Administrative Contact
Mr. Brendan Hefty, Legal Cousel
Email: brendan@heftywiley.com
Commission Meeting Minutes
The following are the agendas and minutes of each of the Commission meetings for the current fiscal year. Agendas and minutes for the previous fiscal years are archived. Please contact Commission for copies of archived files, or if there are any issues accessing or viewing the files.
Commission Meeting Dates
Members of the public who may wish to provide or submit public comment for this meeting may do so by emailing the Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Tim Duffy, at tpduffy@fredericksburgva.gov.
March 21, 2024, at 5:00 pm
May 16, 2024, at 5:00 pm
July 18, 2024, at 5:00 pm
September 19, 2024, at 5:00 pm
November 21, 2024, at 5:00 pm