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Promoting healthy and responsible behavior

Facilitating Success

The Rappahannock Area Office on Youth is a unit of the local government that provides Mandated Services, Residential Services, and Intervention Programs that incorporate leadership opportunities and skill development to promote healthy and responsible behavior in youth and young adults, encourage positive development, and provide support to families.


Our Fredericksburg Regional Programs and Residential Services are financially supported by the City of Fredericksburg, King George County, Spotsylvania County, and Stafford County. Our Northern Neck Programs are financially supported by Essex, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland Counties. We maintain partnerships with local Court Services Units, Spotsylvania County Schools, and local Departments of Social Services.


Contributions to the agency are tax deductible under section 170(C)1 of the Internal Revenue Code.

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Fredericksburg Regional Office

The Office on Youth’s Fredericksburg Regional Division is the main hub of services for the Fredericksburg area. This division serves the City of Fredericksburg and the Counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania, and Stafford, and has served the Planning District since 1989.


Residential Services

The Office on Youth’s Residential Services Division operates one facility – the Chaplin Youth Center, located at 125 Hot Top Rd, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22405.  The Chaplin Youth Center is a 12 bed, community-based, residential facility serving male and female youth ages 12-17.

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Northern Neck
Regional Office

The Rappahannock Area Office on Youth’s Northern Neck Regional Office services the counties of Essex, Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland. Services target CHINS, Diversion, Probation, and Parole referrals.

Commission Meeting Information


The Commission meets on the third Thursday of every other month, at 4:30pm, at the Office on Youth, unless otherwise noted below.  


The meetings are open to the public.  Public comment time is at the beginning of each meeting.  If you plan to attend or comment at the meeting, please contact Donna Krauss, Commission Member, (email) for assistance.


Meeting Location: 12000 Kennedy Ln, Suite 100, Fredericksburg, VA 22407

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